
Showing posts from September, 2017

Last day at Rising Star Sept 7

Thursday  September 7 last day at Rising Star In the morning, we visited our last lepracy colony, Chettipunniyam.   A young woman, Abby or Ambica who usually accompanied us in the colonies was with us and this was her home so people were excited to see her.  We went to the community center (built by Rising Star) and played Jenga with some of the kids. I massaged and oiled the legs of the community leader. She had leg muscle pain that I massaged and she said it felt a lot better.  The day before our facilitator, Natalie, went back to college at CalPoly San Lois Obisbo  so we were down a volunteer. The dance master Susie came to the colony today and the kids at the colony were excited to see Susie. She taught them all in her dance classes so she knew most of the kids.  We also got out the nail polish and Camille painted those who wanted their nails done.  There was a boy and girl there that were home because their father had just passed awa...

Micro businesses in a large Colony

Wednesday September 6 Bharathapurem   Wednesday we traveled to a larger leprosy  colony, Bharathapurem,  that Rising Star Outreach has had a significant amount of influence. 500 people live here. Who lives in a leprocy colony? Because people live together in extended families, people who have a family member with leprocy would live there. Not everyone who lives here has leprocy.  We met with the head of the community, Mary Pria. She told us that for the past 10 years Rising Star has helped this community. Mary has been the colony leader for eight years, so much of the improvement happened under her leadership. Rising Star has helped with structural improvement and businesses.  The structural improvements we saw were a community computer room to teach basic computer skills, a community garbage receptical, a well, a covering for the sewer, bathrooms, a community hall, and a day care center. 18 people have gotten jobs from the computer skills learned ...